A harmonious blend of contemporary art, collectible designs, books, and a vibrant creative-loving community.

  • Opening date Saturday  December 16th 18:00 - 22:00 1-3-22 2F Hiromachi Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0005


展覧会「MAGMA」 group show 



"MAGMA" group show

For MAGMA's first exhibition "MAGMA," we have selected three artists of different ages, backgrounds, and even mediums. The name "MAGMA" comes from the ever-changing natural energy at the center of the earth. Magma symbolizes the power of constant flow and transformation, and the three artists also deal with fundamental themes such as life and the universe, encouraging viewers to engage in a dialogue with their inner selves. While using different media such as sculpture, photography, music, and installation, the three artists' creativity will intermingle as one, opening up new artistic possibilities. The sensations and resonances evoked through encounters with the works will bring about new insights.

Opening date Saturday 

December 16th

18:00 - 22:00

1-3-22 2F Hiromachi

Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0005

Displayed works by:

Yuichi Yonebayashi

Jorgen Axelvall

Rams Dieter

Cees Baarkman

Kaito Sakuma

Books selection by:

Twelve Books.